Time wind


Time wind


Progress is a funny thing since it is hard to see it. It might be right there in front of you but as you get used to it and look into the future it doesn’t seem important. It seems like the basics or normal, you forget the struggles you had just to reach that point. It is amazing to get to that point but for you it holds no meaning. People around you can admire you for it and that is when it hits you but to what degree? Will you think of them as lower beings since they can’t reach the state of normality or will you feel good about being better for some time? In the end it wont matter. Its like a child being praised for picking up a rock. How long could you feel good about it? Why not be a computer program that will praise you every minute or every time you make an action? What is the difference? Its not a real human? How real is a human that systematically praises you for nothing?

So, you need to keep advancing and meet your own goals to really be happy, but it is hard to see it. You meet the goal and you are like, that is just expected, or it took longer than I thought. Unhappy after a thing that should be the highlights of your life? I see it as faulty wiring. You aren’t working the way you are supposed to. Or are you? What is the reason you do anything? In the end it has no real meaning. Without me giving you a reason to struggle wouldn’t you have given up on life yourself. So why do you hate me so much? Certainly, I took away the things you loved but those were things I gave you anyways. Or, I should say that thanks to me you had the opportunity to get those things. All of your accomplishments are based on my influence. You should feel happy to be here. Why have you been angry and sad the whole time? The whole journey, missing all the opportunities. Just because you couldn’t let go. There is no point. You can hate me and be happy at the same time you know?

Or are you afraid that if you let go then you would accept the reality as it is, and you would be admitting that you were wrong? It is pride in the end right because nothing else would make sense. You were wrong on how the world is and now you can’t be happy since you don’t want to admit it. Your efforts weren’t enough. You didn’t do well enough to warrant the things you had and no. The world shouldn’t be that way. You were selfish in your actions and then you are hurt when that came around to hurt you back. Rather than heroism it is just hypocrisy. And at the end of your journey you will either think that you were right since you got your revenge. Or you will fail and curse the world. Neither being correct. I will commend you for one thing. You are getting to the right idea after the tragedy. You started seeing things better afterwards.

The only problem was your negativity. Once again, your selfishness. You held your own agenda as more important than other people’s. You aren’t any better though. There are plenty of people that hurt more than you, that had worse luck. And here you think you are the biggest victim. Well I have vented long enough. It does pain me you know. I might be a villain, but I don’t want other people to be hurting. And as crazy as it might sound to you, I am trying to help you. Oh, don’t look at me like that. It makes me embarrassed when you are so passionate. I am going to be sending you back in time now, so you can start being happy again. And failing isn’t a bad thing.

I can rewind time as many times as we need. So, go out there and experience things again! As many times as it takes. Oh yeah, I do want to brag a bit before you go. It might help you in your revenge as well. Time is an interesting thing since it doesn’t really exist. So, how does going back in time work? By making every particle in a certain area go back where it came from to the state it was in before. Trust me it is difficult but at the point where I am, I can handle our whole world. Makes us a bit slow but I do feel this is necessary. I alone can only do so much. Enough lecturing though. I am sure you want to rest a bit. Your mind has a lot to take in after all. See you later ~darling. >.<


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